

Land at Priory Orchard, Station Road, Godalming (

A second phase of excavation by N Randall of SCAU, following an earlier archaeological evaluation (SyAC 99, 237) that revealed part of a previously unknown early medieval Christian burial ground, confirmed the extent of the burial ground, from which a further 225 in-situ inhumations were excavated, and revealed part of a tannery complex. A mitigation strategy was developed by which a substantial proportion of the inhumations within the development area were left in situ beneath landscaped and car park areas.

Forge Cottage, Thursley Road, Elstead

Watching brief by K Butler of CBAS revealed no archaeological features, although two pottery sherds dating to the Saxo-Norman period were recovered from the topsoil, suggesting possible early medieval activity on or near the site. The majority of the artefacts recovered during the watching brief were dated to the mid–late 16th century, contemporary with Forge Cottage. Other pottery recovered was of the early post-medieval period, although the largest quantity was of 19th century date.

Inval, Bunch Lane, Haslemere

Historic building assessment by M Higgins of SCC of a previously unrecognised three-unit (parlour, hall and service) medieval open-hall house, with an internal jetty at the upper end, an overshot cross-passage at the low end and a suggested date of the third quarter of the 15th century.

Town centre, Farnham

A second year of community test pitting directed by A Sassin and D Graham of SyAS. Fifteen 1m2 test pits excavated at Farnham Park, Garden Cottage and Lowndes End on Long Garden Walk, the Windsor Almshouses, 7A Castle Street, the Museum of Farnham, the Old Vicarage, and Bishops Meadow produced finds of post-medieval or Victorian date, attesting to the majority of pits being located outside the known medieval core of the town.

19 and 21 High Street, Oxted

Historic building assessment by M Higgins of SCC of a probable mid-15th century house with 17th century additions. Against and parallel to the road, is a two-bay, low-end cross-wing, that is jettied to the west end. Behind this, at right-angles to the road, is a (probably contemporary) two-bay, open hall with probably an internal jetty to the floored upper end. It has a crown post roof and an arched door head between the ranges but few other details.

The Prince Albert public house, 1 Outwood Lane, Bletchingley

Historic building assessment by M Higgins of SCC of a probable late 15th century, open-hall house of three bays, of which just one was open. It includes an overshot cross-entry with speres (to exclude draughts) and a moulded upper end dais beam and decorated head to the parlour door spere. An added chimney preserved the cross-entry and a rear range was added in the 18th century.

Ashford Park Primary School, Station Crescent, Ashford

Watching brief by A Hood of FA revealed several possible ditches/gullies and two small undated pits or tree-throw holes. The majority of the ditches were on a north-west, south-east/north-east, south-west co-axial alignment, suggesting that they represent the remains of a former ditched field system. There was a general paucity of artefactual material from the ditches, although a single sherd of porcelain pottery from one of the fills could indicate that they date to the later medieval or post-medieval period. Two small sherds of possible Bronze Age pottery were recovered from a subsoil layer.


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