Castle Place, Bletchingly

An archaeological evaluation was undertaken by David Fallon, at Castle Place, Bletchingley, Surrey. The work was undertaken between 2nd of November and 8th November 2007 on behalf of Mr. J. Foster. One 15m long trench was excavated. The underlying natural green sand subsoil was encountered at a maximum depth of 1.10m below current ground level in the western end of the trench. The archaeological horizon was encountered at 0.55m below current ground level at the eastern end of the trench sloping away to the west and a maximum depth of 1.00m below current ground level. There was some disturbance of the archaeological deposits by a modern pond in the eastern end of the evaluation trench. This was the only truncation of the archaeological horizon observed in the evaluation trench and a number of deposits of archaeological interest were discovered, including a pit and two possible occupation horizons. Two heavily abraded sherds of possible Later Bronze Age pottery were recovered from one of the horizons and a similarly dated sherd and a Saxo-Norman fragment recovered from the other. Definitive interpretations as to the nature of the prehistoric activity and SaxoNorman activity are not possible given the fairly limited evidence.
Site code text: 
NGR range: 
3220, 5057