Town centre, Farnham

A second year of community test pitting directed by A Sassin and D Graham of SyAS. Fifteen 1m2 test pits excavated at Farnham Park, Garden Cottage and Lowndes End on Long Garden Walk, the Windsor Almshouses, 7A Castle Street, the Museum of Farnham, the Old Vicarage, and Bishops Meadow produced finds of post-medieval or Victorian date, attesting to the majority of pits being located outside the known medieval core of the town. The pits from the two locations along Castle Street revealed a long sequence of post-medieval build-up and terracing, as well as 20th century dumps that removed any traces of earlier deposits. A possible medieval sequence was uncovered in the southern end of the Almshouses gardens where a layer of redeposited clay contained 12th and 13th century pottery, including a probable tuyère – a nozzle or pipe through which air is blown into a furnace. This site, adjacent to Park Row, is well noted for a previous excavation in which evidence for pottery production and a burial of the same date were uncovered.