
Heritage Open Day at Abinger


The Abinger Research Centre and Library, situated in the former Abinger Hammer Village School, will be open to all for a special Heritage Open Day event.

Members of the Society will be set-up with displays featuring work and artefact displays from all periods, with opportunities to observe or take part in various activities, including environmental processing. The Library will be open and available for browsing or for research queries, and the new County Finds Liaison Officer will also be set-up and eager to meet with visitors.

Junction of A25 and Oxted Road, Godstone

Programme of work comprising a soil stripping, mapping and sampling exercise, watching brief, and trial pit excavation, by A Simmonds of OAS. The initial approach for the stripping, mapping and sampling across the entire site was modified during the course of the work to one designed to preserve deposits in situ across much of it. This followed the discovery that a significant depth of colluvial deposits overlay the archaeological horizons.

North Park Farm Quarry, Bletchingley

Three further phases of excavation by P Jones and R Lambert of SCAU adjacent to areas previously investigated. The first phase undertaken in the summer of 2011 was to the immediate west of the area investigated in 2009. The range and character of the archaeological features present were closely similar to those identified in 2009. The features included three Mesolithic pits (which were 100% sampled and sieved for flintwork), an early medieval pit oddly sited out on the Gault clay, and a continuation of the late medieval/ early post-medieval roadway identified during the work in 2005.

Mercers Farm South, Nutfield Marsh Road, near Nutfield

Geophysical survey by J Adcock of GSB Prospection Ltd and two phases of evaluation by V Hughes and S Leech of OAS of an area proposed for mineral extraction. The geophysics revealed a series of linear anomalies that may be small enclosures; strong responses that suggest the presence of fired materials or ferrous-rich deposits, and numerous linear trends thought to be of agricultural origin.

Hengrove Farm, Staines

Excavation by J Robertson of SCAU in advance of continuing mineral extraction following work undertaken on the quarry site between 1999 and 2006. The work produced features and finds of many periods. Three tree-throw holes were identified that included Mesolithic flintwork of primary deposition, while many of the other tree-throw holes produced pottery and flintwork of Neolithic date. A number of pits of Neolithic date were also excavated and, like the tree-throw holes, were quite widely scattered across the area.


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