

The Mesolithic period c. 9300 - 4300 BC

The vast period of the ‘Stone Age’ is often broadly generalised in terms of the key developments which took place, though many concepts have since evolved over the years. The Meso- (‘Middle’) era is one which is most commonly characterised as the period of nomadic groups living off of what they could hunt or gather seasonally, during a period which shifted to covered woodland as a result of rising sea levels and climatic warming.


The Palaeolithic period c. 850,000 - 9000 BC

The vast timespan of the ‘Stone Age’ – over half a million years – is often difficult to conceptualise, not least because it is represented by a wide diversity of artefacts and complexity of themes. The Palaeolithic (or ‘Old Stone Age’) is the era which begins with the earliest humans and ends with the retreat of the glaciers in the last Ice Age. Although much of our evidence is in the form of the flint tools left behind in the archaeological record, other sites from around Britain can give some insight into other aspects of material culture, including art.

North Park Quarry – Brewer Street extension, Bletchingley

Magnetometer survey by D Lewis and M Roseveare of Tigergeo Limited detected evidence of known former field boundaries and previous agricultural use. Three areas of probable quarrying activity were noted although quantities of magnetically susceptible debris, probably imported as a result of farming practices, made identification of discrete features problematic.

Salesian Roman Catholic School, Guildford Road, Chertsey

Strip, map and record excavation by W Weller of SCAU revealed a significantly disturbed area with three ditch features and a small posthole, all of which have been confidently dated to the later post-medieval period. A handful of probable Bronze Age flints was recovered, but no features of this date were observed. The small posthole from the trial trench evaluation (SyAC 101, 221) that produced a small assemblage of prehistoric pottery was located, but no further related features were observed.

Walsham Weir, Ripley

Test pit evaluation by R Bradley of Worcestershire Archaeology along the proposed route of a fish pass revealed a series of archaeological deposits forming an alluvial sequence consistent with the location of the site in a waterlogged landscape, adjacent to a managed watercourse. While the dating of the alluvial formation remains uncertain, with the exception of a single prehistoric flint flake, the majority of the diagnostic finds from the test pits related to activity from the mid-18th to early 20th centuries.

Cocks Farm villa, Abinger

Further excavation by the Roman Studies Group of SyAS, directed by E Corke and D Bird to the north-east of the Scheduled Roman villa, recorded considerable quantities of unstratified Mesolithic and Neolithic struck flint from across the site. A possible Bronze Age barrow ditch and two adjacent pits, again of probable Bronze Age date and thought to represent inhumations where no bone has survived, were also revealed. Iron Age features in the form of a curvilinear enclosure ditch and a number of pits were recorded.

Lindon Farm, Alfold

Evaluation by T Collie of SCAU. The results show prehistoric and/or medieval or early post-medieval activity across the area. Most of the features were identified in trenches located across the western half of the southern field, and they include a number of substantial ditches of probable medieval or early post-medieval date.


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