Lindon Farm, Alfold
St Peters Roman Catholic School, Horseshoe Lane East, Merrow
Ewell Grove School, West Street, Ewell
Godstone Place, 57 High Street, Godstone
North Park Quarry
Mercers Farm, Nutfield
Land at Hanworth Lane, Chertsey
Land at the rear of 268–269 Fir Tree Road, Banstead
Excavation by Dr K Harrison on behalf of Surrey Police after the discovery of human remains during construction work, revealed the presence of a single burial. Sufficient skeletal material remained in situ to suggest the individual was buried in a crouched position, on its side and oriented north--south. There were no grave goods, associated finds or datable material in the grave fill but the burial position was consistent with a Bronze Age or Iron Age inhumation.
Former Guildford Fire Station, Ladymead, Guildford
Test pit evaluation by C Morris of AOC. The site is adjacent to the site that revealed a substantial scatter of worked flint, thought to represent the in-situ remains of a Late Upper Palaeolithic campsite (SyAC 99, 221), but it produced no Palaeolithic material. A small residual quantity of worked Mesolithic flint artefacts was recovered. A shallow ditch on the western side of the site produced Late Iron Age pottery and Roman pottery and flue tile; a further ditch produced slag and Roman tile fragments.