Junction of A25 and Oxted Road, Godstone

Programme of work comprising a soil stripping, mapping and sampling exercise, watching brief, and trial pit excavation, by A Simmonds of OAS. The initial approach for the stripping, mapping and sampling across the entire site was modified during the course of the work to one designed to preserve deposits in situ across much of it. This followed the discovery that a significant depth of colluvial deposits overlay the archaeological horizons. A small flint assemblage, of which the only diagnostic pieces were of Mesolithic-Early Neolithic date, was recovered from a layer at the base of the colluvial sequence that may have been a buried soil layer, as well as some small, abraded sherds of pottery of probable Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age date. An area that was subject to the archaeological stripping revealed a number of ditches, most of which appear to be of medieval date and probably represent elements of a field system. A post-medieval ditch was identified that may have defined the western boundary of a field or enclosure shown on a map commissioned in 1761 as part of a survey of the Clayton estate, of which the demolished 17th century Flore House in the north- western part of the site formed part. Deposits of brick rubble associated with the demolition of Flore House were identified directly beneath the topsoil in three trial pits in this area, and the development altered to avoid impact on these deposits.