
Castle Place, Bletchingly

An archaeological evaluation was undertaken by David Fallon, at Castle Place, Bletchingley, Surrey. The work was undertaken between 2nd of November and 8th November 2007 on behalf of Mr. J. Foster. One 15m long trench was excavated. The underlying natural green sand subsoil was encountered at a maximum depth of 1.10m below current ground level in the western end of the trench. The archaeological horizon was encountered at 0.55m below current ground level at the eastern end of the trench sloping away to the west and a maximum depth of 1.00m below current ground level.

Puttenham Common Landscape Survey (vol 2)

Survey undertaken under the direction of C Currie of CKCA, as part of the Community Archaeology Project, for SCC and SyAS, to assess whether the study area should be designated as an ASHLV. Both documentary research and fieldwork added greatly to existing knowledge and confirmed the reports of later 19th century antiquarians who had identified extensive prehistoric and Roman activity in the area.

Land to the north of Shepperton Studios (Thames Water Land), Land to the north of Shepperton Studios (Thames Water Land), Shepperton

Limited evaluation by R Humphrey of PCA in order to inform decisions about use and management of the site revealed linear features likely to be the remnants of post-medieval ploughing, and recovered residual burnt and worked prehistoric flints and medieval and post-medieval ceramic building material and pottery.

Land to the south of Shepperton Studios (south-east corner of the Backlot), Shepperton

Evaluation by R Humphrey of PCA revealed circular pit type incisions and irregularly shaped cuts which appear more likely to be of natural origin, but several pieces of burnt and struck flint and pottery were recovered from the natural gravel and alluvial horizons and suggest occupation by prehistoric communities within the area.

Land to north and south of M25, Downside, near Cobham

Investigation by D Britchfield of WA in advance of the construction of a Motorway Service Area comprising an evaluation to the north of the motorway, and a soil stripping, mapping and sampling exercise to its south in an area where evaluation by ASE in 2007 had revealed possible deposits of prehistoric origin. The soil stripping, mapping and sampling exercise revealed a post-medieval ditch, suggested to be a remnant of an 18th century field system, but no further evidence of the admittedly ambiguous features identified in 2007.

(Centred) Walton Bridge, Walton-on-Thames

Evaluation by A Hood and D King of FA in advance of the construction of the replacement bridge across the Thames and creation of an associated site compound and flood compensation area to the south-west. The evaluation did not reveal any features of archaeological interest in the area around the bridge, but a 'toothed' wooden artefact was recovered from the interface of the natural gravels and overlying deposits in one of the trenches, and further work is proposed within the area of its discovery.

Saxon Primary School

Watching brief by N Randall of SCAU on the site where the principal discoveries of excavations in 1967, 1973, 1986 and 2003 had been a burial ground and an associated settlement occupied between the 6th and 12th centuries AD. Three of the six construction trenches were located in previously excavated areas, and one trench revealed a linear feature containing prehistoric, Roman and Saxon pottery which is most likely a continuation of a ditch revealed in 1973.

St Andrews School, Grange Road, Leatherhead

Evaluation by A Margetts of ASE revealed two gulleys and a pit or ditch terminus of prehistoric date that may be part of an enclosure or field-system possibly related to prehistoric settlement known from the wider area. A probable post-medieval linear feature, a probable ditch of 16th to 18th century date, and made ground deposits in many of the trenches, may represent evidence of landscaping during the laying out the grounds surrounding the former school building. Further work suggested.


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