Reigate & Banstead

Landens Farm, Meath Green Lane, Horley

Historic building recording by L Wilson of AS revealed that the main farmhouse originated as a probable late 17th century, timber-framed building laid out on a double-pile plan. A few internal fixtures such as the staircase may date from this period or slightly later. An attached west wing was used as a kitchen and may have been modified from a pre-existing building, though evidence for its supposed 16th century date is speculative. A nearby worker’s cottage is probably of similar or earlier date, timber-framed and of humble origins.

Mogador to Burgh Heath pipeline

Test pit monitoring and watching brief by I Howell and G Rapson of MOLA. The test pits revealed only limited details regarding underlying deposits, together with a small number of Palaeolithic flints – examples of which have been encountered in the area previously. Subsequent monitoring of the main excavation works revealed a moderate amount of additional worked flints, the majority of which were assessed as undiagnostic, although some Palaeolithic and Mesolithic material was present. A number of truncated burnt features were also encountered.


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