Sentinels of the Sea - The Amazing History of Light Houses
Talk by Mark Lewis, Association of Lighthouse Keepers.
Visitors welcome, £5. map
Talk by Mark Lewis, Association of Lighthouse Keepers.
Visitors welcome, £5. map
Talk by Bill McNaught, retired aerospace & defence industry MD.
Members’ Talks.
Talk by John Partington.
Talk by Eric Shaw, Wandle Industrial Museum.
Details from Bob Bryson
Talk by Geoff Roles.
Talk by Graeme Payne.
Talk by Julian Temple.
Details from Bob Bryson
Talk by Terry Johnson.
Details from Bob Bryson
Meet a wartime couple and learn why they rationed food in WW2 and what it was like to queue for hours. Find how important your ration books were - if you didn't have one you got no food.
£5 per child.
For details contact: