Medieval Studies Forum

Ankerwycke Excavation Tour


Join National Trust archaeologist James Brown and assistant archaeologist Harry Farmer on site at their Ankerwycke excavations this month for a guided walk around the site, sharing the most recent findings and insight as well as the wider story. The site is a hive of intrigue with both a Medieval nunnery, a Tudor mansion and possibly more sited within the investigation area.

Study Day : Medieval Studies Group Pottery Day


The Medieval Studies Forum will be hosting a full study day devoted to pottery studies, looking at its historical, technical, social and economic aspects. The interesting programme covers a wide range of topics and will include a tribute to Steve Nelson, a member of the Society and the Forum who contributed a great deal to the study of Medieval Pottery. 

The programme has been finalised and is attached (as well as copied below). The cost of the day is £12. Payment can be made through PayPal or by cheque, which can be sent to the Society at the address indicated. 

Medieval Studies Forum lecture by Prof Alexandra Sanmark on 'Medieval Sites of Power and Assembly in the Thames Valley' BOOK NOW!


The Medieval Studies Forum have arranged a special lecture by Professor Alexandra Sanmark (University of the Highlands and Islands) on 'Medieval Sites of Power and Assembly in the Thames Valley', which includes a look in detail at the sites of both Kingston and Runnymede.

After Prof Sanmark's lecture, the National Trust team will provide a short presentation and update on the Runnymede Explored project.

This talk will be held online, via Zoom.

Although welcome to all, the event is free for SyAS and MSF members, with a fee of £2 from non-members.


Although they have recently ceased, the Medieval Studies Forum regularly circulated newsletters which contained various articles on subjects related to the medieval history and archaeology of the county. The last five Newsletters plus separate Annexes to some of them have been made available below to download and read.

MSF special lecture 'The Folklore and Archaeology of Historic Buildings' and AGM


On Thursday 16 December at approximately 19:00, the MSF AGM will be preceded by an online Zoom lecture from James Wright FSA on ‘The Folklore and Archaeology of Historic Buildings’. James, a buildings archaeologist and historic stone specialist, will explore some of the most common misconceptions surrounding historic buildings, outlining the legends, explaining the origins of the myths and revealing the underlying truth behind each story to understand a little more about their former occupants.

Medieval Graffiti study day


In recent years, the early inscriptions and carved artworks in churches have become the subject of large-scale surveys, not least for the fascinating pictures which are represented - heraldic designs, word puzzles, ships, architectural plans, figural scenes and cartoons, etc - and the insight they shed on the artists themselves. This online study day will look at recent studies of medieval graffiti in both Surrey and Kent, focusing not only on some of the captivating scenes which have been discovered, but the methodologies involved in undertaking such work.

Medieval Studies Forum annual lecture and AGM


The Medieval Studies Forum will be holding their annual general meeting online this year, via Zoom, which will be preceded by a free special lecture by Dr Ben Jervis (Cardiff Univ) on 'The Material Culture of Medieval Rural Households'. 

The talk will last for about 45 minutes, to be followed by questions and a short break. The AGM will start approximately at 1130 and is open to all MSF members.

Guide to Researching the Landscape of Surrey in the Middle Ages

Imbhams Farm near Haslemere

This guide is a collection of links to online resources useful for the study of medieval landscapes in the historic county of Surrey, put together by Rob Briggs, Historic Environment Record Officer for Surrey County Council. It acts as a follow-up to a Surrey Archaeological Society study day about the medieval landscape in March 2020, with a focus not on medieval towns and villages but on the surrounding manors, farms, fields and other rural institutions.

Medieval Landscape workshop


As part of the Sustainable Impact project, the Medieval Studies Forum are organising a study day for Saturday 14 March at Surrey History Centre which will centre around the medieval landscape and some of the less obvious and more specialist forms of research, including the use of primary documentary sources, name studies and non-settlement based landscape archaeology.

The programme for the day will include a number of informative talks:

10:00    Intro

10:10    Dr Mark Forrest, Dorset Record Society 'Using manorial documents for local history research'


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