
North Park Quarry

Watching brief and subsequent detailed archaeological excavation by G Santamaria of WA to the north and east of previous phases of work (figs 6 and 7) and an exploratory machine slot excavated through a possible palaeochannel revealed but not investigated during the 2015 season. The possible palaeochannel measured c 40m in width but was relatively shallow, at a maximum of 2m to the underlying sand (fig 8).

Burstow Golf Course, Antlands Lane, Shipley Bridge

Watching brief by D Atkins of CBAS of ground contouring and a temporary haul road during remodelling of the golf course. Machine excavation was carried out to a maximum depth of 300mm with only very occasional patches of the underlying natural deposit exposed. Consequently, the presence of any archaeological features could not be confirmed, although the poor drainage makes the presence of settlement activity unlikely. The few finds recovered were of post-medieval date.

Mercers Farm, Nutfield

Excavations by J Payne of SCAU ahead of planned mineral extraction revealed evidence of archaeological activity dating from the Mesolithic through to the post-medieval period. The more important finds included a pit that contained Beaker-type ceramics, diagnostic flint tools of Neolithic and Early Bronze Age date and the remnants of a Middle/Late Bronze Age field system, which was in part truncated by a Middle/Late Iron Age settlement. The Iron Age settlement comprised a series of ring-ditches and numerous discrete cut features set within a substantial enclosure ditch.

An analytic survey of Dry Hill Camp 2011-2013

Dry Hill Camp is a large enclosure of probable Iron Age date looking across the Eden/Medway Valley to the northern part of the Low Weald and North Downs. It is multi-vallate and lies just within Surrey, close to both Kent and Mid-Sussex. An excavation in 1932 recovered few finds and the site remained enigmatic. From 2011-2013 a level 3 tape and compass survey to check the condition of the earthworks was undertaken and a report is now available in the pdf attached below.


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