
Allianz car park, 57 Ladymead, Guildford

Geoarchaeological investigation by C Green of QUEST consisting of two boreholes and two test pits revealed that the site lies largely on the Holocene flood plain of the river Wey. Only towards the southern boundary of the site did the ground rise towards the level of the Kempton Park Terrace and the Upper Palaeolithic occupation horizon recorded on the surface of that terrace to the south of the A25 (Ladymead). In that area, extensive disturbance was recorded, probably as a result of the construction of the Guildford and Godalming by-pass in the 1930s and previous building work.

St Mary’s church, Quarry Street, Guildford

A test pit evaluation by C Douglas of ASE of the west interior of the church identified a north-west/south-east aligned flint and mortar wall parallel to the west wall. It could not be dated and no associated finds were encountered. A number of disarticulated human bones were also uncovered in the north aisle indicating a possible burial or burial horizon at this level in the north-west part of the church

Land at Blackwell Farm, Hog’s Back, Guildford

Evaluation by H Nicholls of ASE revealed 88 archaeological features, comprising ditches, gullies, pits and postholes dating from the Roman and medieval periods. Three possible Roman phases of activity were identified. The earliest of these was indicated by a large sub-rectangular enclosure (Enclosure 1) in the very north of the site, of Late Iron Age/early Roman date, together with a possible curvilinear gully.


The final season of excavation by D Calow for the Roman Studies Group of SyAS revealed a small pit filled with burnt flint, pot and charcoal radiocarbon dated to the Late Bronze Age. A north/south ditch 6m to the east contained a few small sherds of flint-tempered pottery and charcoal of very similar date. In total c 50 fragments of Late Bronze Age pottery were recovered, most of it redeposited in Roman features, suggesting there was Late Bronze Age activity in the vicinity.

Puttenham Common Landscape Survey (vol 2)

Survey undertaken under the direction of C Currie of CKCA, as part of the Community Archaeology Project, for SCC and SyAS, to assess whether the study area should be designated as an ASHLV. Both documentary research and fieldwork added greatly to existing knowledge and confirmed the reports of later 19th century antiquarians who had identified extensive prehistoric and Roman activity in the area.

Howard of Effingham School, Browns Lane, Effingham

Evaluation by S Stevens of ASE revealed a Roman gully and two further undated gullies at the northern end of the site, possibly part of a field boundary or enclosure. The presence of a humic garden soil in the north-western part of the site correlates with the area of a small enclosure depicted on late 19th and 20th century maps and suggests that this may have been used for domestic cultivation. A small assemblage of artefacts including prehistoric flintwork, medieval and post-medieval pottery and ceramic building material was recovered from the overburden.


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