Green Lane East, Wanborough
Geophysical survey and evaluation led by D Graham of SyAS. Magnetometry revealed an 8m-wide, north--south oriented, straight, double-ditched linear anomaly, various other anomalies and signs of ridge-and-furrow ploughing. A trench across one of the flanking ditches and extending across half the width of the linear anomaly revealed a raised trackway or ‘agger’, although there was no sign of metalling having been present. Probable Late Iron Age/early Roman pottery recovered from the ditch may date the feature but could be residual.
Former Guildford Fire Station, Ladymead, Guildford
Test pit evaluation by C Morris of AOC. The site is adjacent to the site that revealed a substantial scatter of worked flint, thought to represent the in-situ remains of a Late Upper Palaeolithic campsite (SyAC 99, 221), but it produced no Palaeolithic material. A small residual quantity of worked Mesolithic flint artefacts was recovered. A shallow ditch on the western side of the site produced Late Iron Age pottery and Roman pottery and flue tile; a further ditch produced slag and Roman tile fragments.
Ash Green Lane water mains replacement, Tongham Moor to Pound Farm Lane, Tongham
Archaeological monitoring by E Govier of Border Archaeology Ltd revealed a series of furrows that appeared to be the result of ploughing. However, while they were considered too narrow and tightly spaced to represent open-field ridge-and-furrow cultivation, their irregular morphology did not appear to reflect modern ploughing. Pottery recovered from top- and subsoil during the strip ranged in date from the Roman to the later post-medieval/modern periods.
West Horsley Place, West Horsley
Wix Farm Barns, Epsom Road, West Horsley
Former Basket Works, 10 Sydenham Road, Guildford
Land near Foreman Manor, Ash
Land at 12 Guildown Avenue, Guildford
Terrace Three, Surrey Sports Park, University of Surrey, Manor Park, Guildford