Bronze Age

Waitrose, South Street, Dorking

Evaluation by T Munnery of SCAU. Medieval features comprising pits, postholes, a well and a possible buried soil were revealed. Two of the features and the buried soil may be as early as the late 12th or early 13th century. A relatively large number of struck flints, mostly of Mesolithic but also Neolithic date were recovered, mostly from one location in a limited-sized test pit. Sherds of Roman and Saxon pottery recovered are likely to be residual and unlikely to indicate that significant evidence from these periods is present on the site.

Various locations, Great Bookham and Little Bookham

Test pitting by C Hayward of SyAS. Nineteen test pits were excavated in a central band of the parish with two located in Little Bookham. Evidence of early medieval activity was recorded in Church Street with finds of medieval pottery clustered around the church. Sherds of Roman pottery were found in two areas to the east and north-east of the church and Bronze Age pottery and struck flint were recorded from a Little Bookham pit.

Onslow Park and Ride, Guildford

Strip, map and record excavation by A Simmonds of OA revealed a pit and gully dating from the Early Bronze Age and 94 pits that were attributed to the Middle Bronze Age/Early Iron Age. The remains were dominated by shallow pits, arranged into a northern group of fairly widely scattered, discrete pits and a more densely concentrated group of features cut into a chalk outcrop at the southern end of the site. Some of the pits had clearly defined, deliberately cut edges but others were amorphous and are likely to have been natural in origin, probably representing tree-throw holes.

NESCOT, Reigate Road, Ewell

Evaluation by T Black of OA. Evidence of activity of several periods was found, mostly at the north end of the site. A buried soil covering at least 40m2 was found on the west side of the site that contained a mixture of struck flints of Mesolithic and Bronze Age date. The presence of flints of two dates in the same layer suggests this may have been a colluvial layer containing material derived from further upslope. To the east, a small pit contained undiagnostic struck flints that may be of earlier prehistoric date.

Land off Arran Way, Esher

Evaluation by T Munnery of SCAU. The earliest material was Late Upper Palaeolithic/Mesolithic and Mesolithic/Neolithic flintwork from later features and overburden although residual, may originate from an occupation site or sites nearby. The most concentrated phase of activity was of Bronze Age, especially Late Bronze Age, date. Pits and ditches and a buried subsoil indicate the utilisation of the site for settlement.

Frensham Common, Frensham

Topographic survey of the four barrows on the common by D and A Graham of SyAS after they were exposed by a fire. Deterioration in the condition of the monuments was recorded, with a significant loss of the shallow outer banks and ditches since the last survey in 1996, and mitigation measures to halt the alarmingly rapid rate of erosion is planned. (Bulletin 424)

Land at Hale Road, Farnham

Evaluation by J Martin of WA. A small quantity of Bronze Age pottery was recovered from a ditch, while two other ditches produced Early to Middle Iron Age material. Further ditches and a series of postholes were either undated or modern in origin. The sparse nature of the archaeology was not suggestive of concerted settlement. A subsequent metal detector survey of the area produced similarly low-key results, and appeared to confirm the lack of past activity on this large-scale and potentially well-situated site.

The Vine Inn, Chertsey

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU. A large ditch containing a significant quantity of Bronze Age pottery and struck and burnt flint was revealed in one area of the site. Accompanying this was a large feature possibly representing a waterhole, four additional linear features, a curvilinear ditch and four postholes. All contained Bronze Age material. The features appear to have been protected by an alluvial deposit that was absent elsewhere on the site due to heavy post-medieval truncation.


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