Wessex Archaeology

Tilly’s Lane West, Staines

Excavation by J McKinley of WA of a site on the High Street frontage, and of the former British Gas site, both as part of the Central Trading Estate redevelopment. Limited evidence of Bronze Age activity was observed at both sites, including flood defence measures and probable agricultural activity. The major phase of occupation was in the early Romano-British period, where domestic activity, including an in situ tessellated floor surface and associated wall lines indicative of a substantial structure, and small scale industrial activity was concentrated in the area of the High Street site.

Hurst Park East, Graburn Way, East Molesey

Evaluation by J Nowell of WA in advance of residential development revealed only a residual barbed-and-tanged arrowhead of Early Bronze Age date, and a series of 20th century postholes probably associated with the former racecourse. No evidence was found of the neighbouring multi-period occupation site at Hurst Park West excavated by WA in 1994. Evidence of past flooding was recorded through identification of alluvial clays and silts, and as the site lies 1.25m below Hurst Park West, it would have been much more prone to flooding and consequently less attractive for occupation and settlement.

The Heights, Brooklands, Weybridge

A geoarchaeological borehole survey designed to record the alluvial profile and any associated deposits and to determine their archaeological and palaeo-environmental potential, was carried out by D Allen of WA in advance of office development on the flood plain of the river Wey. While there can be little doubt that the Wey and its flood plain would have been well utilized in the past, the sediment analysis indicated a fast-flowing water course which would have made the active flood plain environment unsuitable for settlement or occupation.

Franklands Drive, Addlestone

Evaluation by M Trevarthen of WA revealed a small group of pits containing Middle Bronze Age pottery, one example of which, a large bucket-shaped vessel, was found upright in a very small feature and might have been placed deliberately. Elsewhere, a small number of Romano-British period urned cremation burials were revealed, as well as some undated linear features. A second phase of evaluation by V Tsamis of WA revealed some narrow-gauge railway tracks probably relating to the former use of the site as a quarry, together with further undated ditches similar to those previously seen.

Eastgate House, Guildford

Watching brief by R Fitzpatrick of WA on pile augering works. Previous evaluation in 2007 had identified medieval and post-medieval deposits on the site. Further post-medieval deposits were identified, at greater depths than the evaluation had suggested, and the majority of the site remains preserved in situ.

Chatley Farm Estate, Pointers Road, Cobham

Historic building recording and watching brief by B Davis and S Beach of WA during alterations and conversion to Chatley Farmhouse and associated farm buildings. The building recording demonstrated that parts of the farmhouse date to the late 16th or early 17th centuries, and a two-bay timber-framed structure with brick chimney-stack remains fossilised within the present structure. The building was extended in the late 17th or early 18th century, and was given a major upgrade in the late 18th century, with several other farm buildings added at this time.

Coldharbour Lane, near South Holmwood

Topographic and photographic survey by G White and M Kendall of WA of a site containing six clay or gravel extraction pits. The overgrown nature of the site meant that it was not possible to determine a definite age for the pits, but the density of the established flora in conjunction with the weathering of the floors and flanks of the pits to a smooth surface suggest an 18th–19th century date.


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