Wessex Archaeology

Tilly’s Lane East, Staines

Excavation by J McKinley of Wessex, for MEPC UK Ltd, in advance of redevelopment. The largest feature revealed was a substantial channel at the northern end of the area, presumably originally water-filled, that went out of use before the Roman period and was then infilled with rubbish. A fragment of prehistoric pottery recovered adjacent to this channel hints at earlier occupation on, or in the vicinity of the site. A variety of features of mostly Roman date, but some likely to be medieval, were recorded on the site.

Land to rear of 46 High Street and 4 Tilly’s Lane, Staines

Evaluation by K Ritchie of Wessex, for MEPC UK Ltd, revealed approximately two metres of garden soil sealing the truncated remains of three intercutting ditches running parallel to and 30 metres north of the High Street. Finds recovered from the ditch fills date the features to the first or second centuries AD. The ditches are thought to represent boundaries separating the street frontage settlement and near backland activity on the south of the gravel island, from the less intensively occupied far backland margins to the north.

Tilly’s Lane West, Staines

Analysis of a borehole survey by Wessex in order to assist with the mitigation strategy for excavation of the Tilly’s Lane West site. This provided information on the depths of archaeological and natural deposits, and reaffirmed the existing model for the disposition of natural gravel in the vicinity.

The Bilton Centre, Leatherhead

Evaluation by K Ritchie of Wessex, for Frogmore Developments Ltd, of fields to the east of the National Grid Research Laboratories, in advance of office development. No archaeological features or finds were recovered, but the site had clearly undergone extensive disturbance in the recent past, essentially destroying it in archaeological terms.

137-143 High Street, Guildford

Excavation, watching brief, and historic building recording programme, by Charlotte Matthews of Wessex, on behalf of Scottish Widows Fund and Life Assurance Company, prior to redevelopment. Features dating from the 12th to 18th/19th centuries were revealed, although nothing from the late medieval to early post medieval was found. Virtually no structural remains survived; it is likely that prior to the 18th century the area investigated lay in yard areas to the rear of the street frontage buildings.


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