Surrey Archaeological Society
Lower Old Park, Farnham
Margery Wood, Margery Lane, Reigate
The Park, Great Bookham
Cocks Farm villa, Abinger
62 Castle Street, Farnham
Watching brief by A and D Graham of SyAS revealed evidence of post-medieval pits and a wall that may represent evidence of a cellar that appeared to pre-date the construction of the current 18th century building.
Riverside development, Farnham
Watching brief by D Graham of SyAS revealed no finds or features pre-dating the Victorian periods.
Coldharbour Cottage, Lower Mousehill Lane, Milford
Excavation by D Graham of SyAS following the reporting of a number of sherds of greyware pottery and iron slag, made in 2012 by the house owner. Five small trenches confirmed that the site is likely to have been an ironworks, dated on pottery evidence to the 13th century. Evidence of working surfaces were recorded together with a few postholes and a possible structure consisting of an oval ring of inwardly angled stakeholes, although the bloomery or any other substantial structures were not encountered.