Surrey Industrial History Group

SIHG Talk: "It's All a Bit Heath Robinson - Re-inventing the First World War" (Zoom) by Lucinda Gosling


The First World War inspired Heath Robinson to dream up a series of increasingly outlandish and bizarre military inventions with which the opposing armies would try to outwit each other. From the kaiser’s campaigning car or a suggestion for an armoured bayonet curler, to post-war ‘unbullying’ of beef, his cartoons are a fantastically absurd take on wartime technology and home-front life.

Some Future Possibilities


It's All a Bit Heath Robinson  by Luci Gosling
History of the Wey and Arun Canal  by  Richard Shenton
The Aircraft Industry in Surrey Through the Great War by David Hassard
Harry Hawker - Aviation Pioneer 1889 to 1921  by  David Hassard
Victorian Pumping Stations by Tony Samson
Pill Boxes of SE England by Steve Bird
Wind Turbines: 1890 to The Present Day & The Future by  John Baylis
The rise and fall of nuclear power in the UK, and what next?  by John Baylis

SIHG Talk: "The Ashtead Pottery: Post-War Rehabilitation through an Alliance of Art and Industry" by Anne Anderson (Leatherhead)


Ashtead Pottery was an enterprise giving work to disabled war veterans from the Great War, and to "assist in the reconstruction of rural life".  It only lasted 12 years but produced some very individualistic pottery, often in art Deco styles, which now commands impressive prices; their most famous produce was the 1924 Empire Exhibition's "Empire Lions" souvenir.  Come along and hear much, much more from Professor Anne Andersen.

SIHG Talk: "Victorian Dynamo: the life and work of Sir Henry Cole" by Nick Pollard (Zoom)


The Victorian era produced some prominent figures who seemed to fit so much into their lives that you might wonder how they had time to sleep. Isambard Kingdom Brunel, William Morris and William Ewart Gladstone spring to mind, but another example, rather less well known, is Sir Henry Cole.


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