SIHG Talk: "Bradshaw's and an Early Railway Tour" by Robert Mee (Zoom)
Zoom event - "doors" 7:15PM, talk will start 7:30PM, please log in at least 5 minutes before start of talk.
Zoom event - "doors" 7:15PM, talk will start 7:30PM, please log in at least 5 minutes before start of talk.
Full title "The Last Line: The 1940 anti-invasion defences between Guildford & Dorking'”. A Dorking Local History Group event which SIHG are promoting. See for more on Dorking Local History Group
Archaeologist Paul (from SYAS) will give us an archaeological evaluation of the 1940 anti-invasion defences between Guildford and Dorking.
Talk by Peter Hoar of the Barnes Wallis Foundation
Effingham resident Barnes Wallis is best known for inventing the bouncing bomb used by the RAF’s “Dambusters” but many of his inventions were in civilian aircraft & communications technology. Come along and hear more.
Doors 7PM, talk starts 7:30. £2 for non-members. Tea and biscuits available.
A Dorking Local History Group event promoted by SIHG. More at
Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) is revolutionising archaeology and is making big contributions in other fields. Anne will explain what LIDAR is and its impact on Surrey archaeology.
Free, but you need to register at:
A Dorking Local History Group event which SIHG are promoting. See for more on Dorking Local History Group
** THIS EVENT IS NOW FULL. Please email to be put on waiting list ****
An easy two mile walk led by local journalist and historian David Rose. You’ll see dragon’s teeth, public air-raid shelter, sites of V1 bomb explosion and more – and a lot of stories from David. £6pp, payable in advance. Interested? Email
A Dorking Local History Group even promoted by SIHG.
As a change to our normal ZOOM meetings Dorking Local History Group have invited SIHG members to come along to their January talk. The talk is about " The Post-Medieval Iron Industry in the Weald" and will be given by Jeremy Hodgkinson.
It is on Monday 8th January at the Crossways Community Baptist Church , Junction Rd, Dorking RH 4 3 HB doors open at 7pm and the talk starts at 7:30pm. Admission is free for SIHG members who are also invited to go for a drink and a chat to the nearby House at Home pub after the meeting. There is no need to book , just turn up!
Wallis is best know for his bouncing bomb used to destroy German dams in WW2, but in his early years he was a Naval Architect before moving on to become one of the country's leading airship designers. Reluctantly he transitioned to design aircraft, following the demise of airships, and perhaps his most famous design was the Wellington bomber. He studied bomb design and as well as the dams bomb, he designed the two largest bombs used during WW2, the Tallboy and Grand Slam. This talk will be given by Bill Mc Naught, Chairman of the 5 Deans U3A.
In 1914 the British aeroplane industry was in its infancy, as was the flying arm of Britain's armed forces. When World War One began in July the British went to France with only a handful of primitive aeroplanes, but by 1918 the Royal Flying Corps was the biggest and most capable air force in the world with many thousands of aircraft in service. This talk will be given by Richard Marks, Freelance professional historian.
The life and times of my great grandfather, as gleaned from his notebooks, family photos and a bit of family history research.
A talk by Michelle Howes - social historian
Any member of SIHG or SyAS who would like to receive details about joining one or all of these meetings and don't already get details sent to them should send their name and e-mail address to :-
Water is essential for human existence and this talk will outline how we have obtained drinking water and dealt with the problems of waste water since the earliest of times to modern times. These issues became more urgent with the increase of urban living and particular problems faced by London are used as an illstration. This talk will be given by Doug Irvine, Civil Engineer.