Telex field, Reigate Road Quarry, Betchworth

Evaluation by F Raymond of BAS identified significant Bronze Age deposits concentrated on a plateau of land in the south-eastern part of the site, and this area was subsequently excavated. Activity commenced during the Mesolithic period, and is marked by the presence of a flint scatter from the southern part of the site. There were no concentrations of flint and no features, suggesting the principal focus, if there is one, lies or lay to the south and east. The focus of Early and Middle Bronze Age activity was located on the eastern side of the site. An Early Bronze Age biconical urn had been placed in an upright position in a small pit, and was located close to three later pits. It is possible that the urn once contained a cremation, but unfortunately the vessel had been damaged by medieval and later ploughing and any evidence for this had been removed. A miniature replica of this vessel and an annular loomweight that may have been part of this same deposit had also been dragged from their original positions by later ploughing. During the Late Bronze Age the focus of activity broadened. Eight pits from this period were revealed, including seven arranged in an arc following the scarp slope of a sub-surface hollow that appeared to be defining an area of significance to the south and east of the site. Two pits contained large quantities of pottery deliberately selected and carefully placed within them. The contents of some of the pits were typical of the type of material that might occur in a domestic midden and may be derived from a settlement, but there was no evidence for a focus of occupation. There was no other evidence for significant activity on the site until the early to middle Saxon period when a single complete undecorated pottery vessel was placed in a small pit on the eastern side of the site. The pit, containing the late 6th–early 7th century vessel, was cut into the edge of a tree-throw hollow, and may have been a ceremonial offering. The only medieval feature was an isolated pit on the eastern side of the site, and the latest features included shallow linear cuts that were likely to have been products of post-medieval or modern cultivation.