

Cuckoo Farm, West Clandon

Evaluation by A Taylor of TVAS. Two distinct clusters of pits and postholes were revealed. One cluster produced material dating to the Middle Bronze Age and included fragments of urns from the subsoil suggesting the former presence of a cremation cemetery in the area. The second cluster of features did not produce conclusive dating evidence. A third area of the site contained evidence for a more dispersed series of features, which were dated to the Early Bronze Age, Iron Age and possibly Saxon periods, as well as a series of undated linear features.

Old Riding Stables, Send

Evaluation by R Lambert of SCAU. A small cluster of features including pits, possible tree-throw holes and a gully was revealed in a distinct area adjacent to Send Hill. Three of these contained small quantities of possibly residual prehistoric flint, but little of conclusive dating value. However, a shallow pit and a posthole were found to contain pottery of a Saxon date. The comparative rarity of Saxon features in any context in Surrey renders these discoveries significant and the area worthy of further investigation.

Wootton, Esher Park Avenue, Esher

Programme of investigation comprising evaluation, excavation and a watching brief by D Saxby of MOLA. Evaluation revealed evidence of Iron Age and Saxon activity in three areas of the site, with the subsequent excavation targeting these areas. Within the middle of the site a 0.4m-thick layer of sand was revealed that produced 1544 Early Mesolithic flints including microlithic flint points, microburins and at least four core adze fragments and a scraper (c 9600–7600 cal BC).

Abbey Barn, Chertsey

An archaeological evaluation was undertaken on the land of the Scheduled Ancient Monument of Chertsey Abbey (SAM 23002). A total of 48 metres was excavated across five trenches. Four pits, possibly post holes, of uncertain date were identified to the southeast of the site. A possible Saxon feature was uncovered which may be part of a linear boundary ditch running west to east across the site. A possible medieval boundary was identified to the north of the possible Saxon ditch and is believed to run parallel though this could not be confirmed.

Land at Priory Orchard, Station Road, Godalming (

A second phase of excavation by N Randall of SCAU, following an earlier archaeological evaluation (SyAC 99, 237) that revealed part of a previously unknown early medieval Christian burial ground, confirmed the extent of the burial ground, from which a further 225 in-situ inhumations were excavated, and revealed part of a tannery complex. A mitigation strategy was developed by which a substantial proportion of the inhumations within the development area were left in situ beneath landscaped and car park areas.

NESCOT former animal husbandry land, residential development site, Reigate Road, Ewell (pt 2)

Excavation by A Haslam of PCA targeted three areas of the site, identified following earlier evaluation (SyAC 99, 218). Area 1 was situated in the south-western corner of the site. It revealed two parallel, north-west/south-east orientated ditches, interpreted as a droveway, and a series of small pits and postholes that formed a sub-rectangular enclosure, possibly an animal pen or paddock, to their east. All were of probable Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age date. A further sub-pen was identified within the south-eastern corner of the enclosure.

North Park Farm Quarry, Bletchingley

Two phases of investigation by P Jones of SCAU, adjacent to areas previously investigated in 2011 (SyAC 98, 253). No features of archaeological interest were revealed during soil removal to the west of the ‘Mesolithic hollow’ excavated in 2005 (SyAC 94, 370). There would appear to have been relatively little use of this area during the Mesolithic period, but later Bronze Age to Early Iron Age occupation was evident from redeposited material within a near-shore fluvial deposit of a watercourse.


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