

Headley Drive, Tadworth

Salvage excavation by S Nelson and S Kahn in building work recorded 42 shallow inhumation burials, aligned roughly east-west in nine rows. Grave goods were mostly typical Saxon iron knives, with two simple bronze belt fittings, a small biconical pot, a rock crystal amulet with a bronze strapwork holder and a decorative bone knife fitting. Probably late 6th to 7th centuries. (217) (SyAC 90, 117-145)

former Goblin Works, Leatherhead

Site watching by L Le Monde followed by excavation by R J Poulton for SCC and Esso Petroleum Ltd in advance of redevelopment. A Saxon cemetery was partially excavated, producing burials in two groups. The first was of 17 pagan Saxon inhumations of the 6tir--7th centuries with grave goods including two spearheads, a bone comb and a cowrie shell. The second group was a number of more careless burials with evidence suggesting a late Saxon execution site. (208)

Shepperton Ranges

Site watching by R J Poulton and P M G Jones for SCC and Tarmac Roadstone Ltd located some prehistoric features. Two sets of important finds were made during extraction, apparently coming from a buried river channel. They were five complete 3rd/4th century RB pewter plates (fig 1) and three iron swords, one without its hilt, one with a bone handle of uncertain date, and one considered to be of Petersen type L, dated AD 840-90,

North Park Farm, Bletchingley

Excavation by R J Poulton for SCC, Hepworth Minerals & Chemicals and HBMC in advance of sand quarrying involved the stripping of almost lha. A scatter of mid Saxon pottery was found, but no features. cAD 1200 a hall house with circular tile-on-edge hearth and associated timber buildings was constructed. In the early 14th century the hall was replaced by a large stone-built structure with angle buttresses. This building continued to stand but a new hall with two-storied wings (one with a cellar) was built c1400, and linked to a square kitchen.

73-75 High Street, Staines

Excavation by P M G Jones for SCC and Central Union Property Group revealed the rear of early-mid Flavian building evidence along the High Street edge. This was succeeded by a complex of buildings and refloorings at least to the late 2nd century. Buildings were apparently always of timber. There was evidence for flooding in the mid 2nd century. Other features included ovens, hearths, wells and pits. The site was covered by blackearth in the 4th century with some floor levels as yet undated. Saxon and medieval evidence

2-12 Clarence Street, Staines

Excavation and site observation by P M G Jones for SCC and McKay Securities in advance of redevelopment examined a site at the confluence of the Thames and the Colne (as it existed from the late RB to the end of the Medieval period). Prehistoric peats and clays were found, cut by a late 1st or early 2nd century RB ditch containing leather offcuts and articles; any other RB levels must have been destroyed by later flood action .

65-66A The Avenue, Egham

Excavation by S P Dyer for SAFG in advance of redevelopment revealed a continuation of the multi period site at Petters Sports Field. Prehistoric worked flints, BA pottery, an IA terret (identified by the BM), a few sherds of probable IA pottery and mixed RB pottery were found in a buried river channel. The previously postulated RB road could not be located and the evidence suggested that it had not existed.

Esso HQ Ashtead

Excavation by G N Hayman for SCC and Esso Petroleum revealed further evidence for the Saxon period cemeteries previously excavated. Another 12 inhumations were found, five clearly pagan, of which three had iron knives, one also having two bronze pins. The other burials were probably executions; one in particular seemed to have had hands tied behind the back. Some 15 sherds of prehistoric pottery, some at least probably Neolithic, were found in the excavation. (241) The laying of a water main along the lane to the south was monitored by L Le Mottee, but nothing of interest was observed.

Mint Street, Godalming

Excavation by R J Poulton for SCAU and SCC (County Engineer's Department) in advance of the construction of the relief road showed that post-medieval evidence had been removed by the construction of a car park. Evidence of medieval occupation survived, including various 12th/13th century pits apparently indicating the first settlement in this part of the town, although late Saxon pottery was also discovered and must indicate nearby occupation. (257; report in SyAC 85, 177-186)

Bridge Street, Godalming

Evaluation of the site for a supermarket by R J Poulton for SCAU and the Co-operative Wholesale Society. Archaeological features were revealed and then formally excavated. The pottery recovered dates from the 9th to the 13th centuries and the features uncovered seem to indicate the presence of a farmstead on the site during that period. (257)


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