

Ashford Prison, Woodthorpe Road, Ashford

Evaluation and subsequent excavation by T Carew of PCA in advance of the construction of a new prison. A palaeochannel, probably dating to the late glacial to early post-glacial period, cut through the centre of the excavated area. A probable early Mesolithic flint blade was recovered from near the channel, although it was found in a later context. The earliest of the cut features was a pit with a probable placed deposit of early Neolithic flintwork. This was adjacent to a middle to Late Neolithic ring ditch, interpreted as either a hengiform monument or a barrow.

Moor Lane, Staines

Excavation by C Challis and S Coles of TVAS following an evaluation of the site in 2000. The excavations took place on the west bank of the river Wraysbury in an area thought to have been an island in times of flood, and exposed features comprising pits, postholes, ditches and a possible enclosed area. Features can be provisionally dated to the early medieval period (11th--12th century), but pottery of Roman and early to middle Saxon date was also recovered.

Coldharbour Lane, Thorpe

Watching brief and subsequent excavation by J Robertson of SCAU of an Early Bronze Age ring ditch, probably originally surrounding a barrow. Two inhumations were found at the base of the ditch, and Neolithic flintwork, Roman ditches, and Saxon pits were also discovered. (355)

Tattenham Way Allotments, Banstead

Continuing excavation and fieldwalking by Plateau recovered further finds of worked flint of Lower Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age date, while pottery dating to the Bronze Age, Iron Age, Romano-British, Saxon, medieval and post-medieval periods was also found. A large Neolithic or Bronze Age leaf-shaped arrowhead and a probable Bronze Age pendant were among the finds. Features on the site included a probable late Roman farmstead enclosure, and a Mesolithic tree-throw pit shelter with rubbish pit.

15 High Street, Stanwell

Excavation following an evaluation by J Leary of PCA revealed a Bronze Age pit (and possibly contemporary features), and evidence of the early development of Stanwell in the form of a gully and two pits containing Saxo-Norman pottery, and slightly later field boundaries. These features were overlain by a ploughsoil containing 12th to 14th century pottery and daub, and point to the existence of a building nearby. A well and a series of rubbish pits containing 18th and 19th century pottery, some rare and non-local, were also excavated.

Chertsey Museum, Chertsey

Excavation by G Hayman of SCAU prior to the construction of an extension. The earliest material encountered was a few small fragments of Roman brick and pottery. This was thought to be residual in origin, although its presence continues to support the supposition that a site of this date exists somewhere in the town. Late Saxon and early Norman material was also found in a reworked agricultural horizon. No evidence for activity between the 4th and 10th centuries was found, which is consistent with evidence from other sites nearby.

North of Park Road, Stanwell

Excavation by M G O'Connell for SCC and DoE further examined a crop mark complex (figs I, 2). A very large LBA pit was found, in which fragments of worked wood had been preserved. The pit cut one of two parallel ditches previously assumed to mark a Roman road and now interpreted as a cursus. Closer examination of aerial photographs indicated two other possible cursus to the north, and a possible henge near the excavation site; the excavation also examined further a prehistoric trackway and Saxon features. Later work for SCC and the British Airports Authority confirmed the cursus identification

North Park Farm, Bletchingley

Excavation by P Jones of SCAU adjacent to areas previously investigated revealed evidence of activity spanning the early prehistoric to medieval periods. The earliest purposely dug feature was a large and deep banana-shaped pit that contained over 3000 struck flints of wholly Mesolithic date. Evidence of Bronze Age activity revealed across the site was of long duration, although probably episodic.


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