
Pyrford Marina, Lock Lane, Pyrford

Watching brief by J Lewis of TVAS during the excavation of test pits to ascertain whether the construction of an extension to the marina would have the potential to impact on archaeology. The construction of the marina involves excavation to a depth of 217mm from current ground level, and the test pits revealed the archaeologically relevant horizons at depths of below 420mm, so allowing for the preservation in situ beneath the proposed development of any deposits that may be present.

Woking Palace, Woking

Third and fourth seasons of a community excavation by SyAS and SCAU, under the direction of R Poulton, of the Scheduled moated site. The 2011 work took place in three locations. Within the first trench, the remains of part of the gatehouse and associated structures were uncovered next to the present (and ancient) site entrance. These buildings had stone foundations and would mostly have been of timber-framed construction. The addition of brick hearths shows that they were updated over time. A robber trench at the eastern edge of the trench had clearly removed a substantial wall.

St Peter's church, Church Street, Old Woking

Watching brief carried out by R and P Savage of SyAS, and assisted by A Norris, revealed that the remains of the stone medieval churchyard wall, probably dating to the 12th or 13th centuries, had been encased within a brick rebuilding of the wall in the post-medieval period. As a result of the watching brief and resultant discussions, the necessary repairs to the later brick wall were modified to encase and preserve the medieval remains.

Old Woking

Eight test pits dug by SyAS under the direction of R Savage (four at the White Hart, 150 High Street, together with three at The Old Vicarage and one at Lea Cottage, both in Church Street). A small amount of Late Saxon pottery was recovered in the two locations in Church Street, while stratified 12th century layers were revealed close to the High Street at the White Hart.

Woking Park and former Westfield Tip, Woking

Excavation and watching brief by M Collings of WA in advance of flood protection, landscaping, tip remediation and redevelopment alongside the Hoe stream of areas identified as being of potential interest during evaluation of the site in 2010. The excavation confirmed the presence of postholes, gullies and ditches. Owing to the lack of secure archaeological finds, it was possible to date only two ditches: one to the Early-Middle Iron Age and a second to the post-medieval/modern period.

Goldsworth playing fields, Parley Brook, Woking

Fieldwork carried out by W Mills with volunteer assistance under the overall direction of R Savage of SyAS to investigate any surviving contexts related to the discovery during fieldwalking in the 1920s and 30s of the Late Upper Palaeolithic flint blades now held in the British Museum as the Lawson Collection. Two transects of auger holes indicated the survival in parts of the site of late Ice Age soil horizons, but not close to the site of the flint discoveries.


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