The Crossways, Abinger

A series of fieldwork projects by N Cowlard and members of the SyAS Roman Studies Group around Cocks Farm villa to investigate it within its rural context. A metal detector survey of the field to the north and east of the villa recovered one piece of curved and decorated copper alloy that may have been part of a Romano-British decorative furniture fitting, although none of a number of lead and iron finds recovered could be attributed to the Romano-British period. Romano-British pottery and worked flint was also recovered. A magnetometry survey of a small area of the field identified possible linear features relating to the villa. Fieldwalking was undertaken in two fields to the north-east of Crossways Farm. The first field contained further worked flint, ceramic building material, a piece of Roman glass, sherds of medieval and post-medieval pot, but only one sherd of Roman pottery was retrieved. Several lumps of vitrified brick/tile were found, but no vitrified material was recovered during walking in the second field, Kiln Field, to the immediate east. This fieldwalking recovered one piece of much-abraded Romano-British tile, further worked flint, a piece of medieval strap-end and a sherd of medieval pottery. (413)
NGR range: 
197 109 119, 474 475 474