Chertsey Revitalization Scheme, Chertsey

Evaluation, excavation and watching brief by D Palmer of AOC, as part of the ongoing revitalization project. Two large sites were investigated, to the west and east of Guildford Road, just to the north of Chertsey Station (phases 7 and 8 respectively). The phase 7 work revealed sparse prehistoric and Roman material, together with three features of early to middle Saxon date. A roadside ditch of probable early medieval date was found adjacent to the west of Guildford Street, with possible associated gullies. These features may represent an early attempt to expand the suburb of Styvington into this area. The attempt appears to have been unsuccessful however, as no evidence for occupation of these proto-plots was seen, with random pitting continuing on the site through the medieval and into the post-medieval periods. The phase 8 area showed no evidence for the roadside ditch on the east edge of Guildford Street, although it is assumed that the early road was narrower than its present width so that any corresponding ditch would lie under the middle of the modern road. The features examined were broadly similar to those described above, with one notable exception. A large waterlogged feature, possibly a pond or soakaway was revealed, which contained large amounts of brick rubble, probably from the demolition of a high-status medieval building nearby. Two almost complete wooden bowls of late medieval to early post-medieval date were recovered from the waterlogged levels, together with numerous other wooden planks and stakes. A watching brief carried out on drainage works in the centre of Guildford Street itself revealed the area to have been extensively disturbed by service works in the modern period, and nothing of archaeological interest was observed. (354)
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