
Land west of Folly Hill, north of Farnham

A detailed gradiometry survey by T Richardson of Stratascan was conducted over c 5.8ha of grassland. With the exception of a single cut feature that might be archaeological in origin or equally related to modern agricultural activity, the survey did not identify any anomalies of probable archaeological character. The majority of the anomalies detected were modern in origin, including ploughing, services and land drains.

Friars, Pains Hill, Limpsfield

Historic building assessment by M Higgins of SCC of a timber-framed open-hall house of four bays. Of a standard tripartite plan of a parlour, two-bay hall and service bay, it includes an ‘upper-end’ end-jetty, long passing braces, ground floor braces and evidence of a dais spere – a short screen, normally by a door, to prevent draughts. To this a further bay was added at the ‘lower’, downhill end. The house probably dates from the second quarter of the 1400s. The added bay is probably 17th century in date.

Court Farm, 33 & 35 Church Lane, Oxted

Historic building assessment by M Higgins of SCC. Court Farm comprises four timber-framed bays with a substantial chimney with back-to-back hearths in the second bay. There are jowls to the four inner posts around the chimney. The roof is a staggered butt purlin, butt rafter design with added face gables. The first build has been dated through dendrochronology to 1613. A further timber-framed bay, of similar construction, and a face gable were added to the west end, probably in the early/mid-17th century.


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