
Medieval Studies Forum - Wool and Sheep


10.30am  Registration: tea and coffee available
11.00am  “From wool to cloth: the medieval textile industry in southern  England, 1300-1600.” Dr John Hare, visiting research fellow at the University of Winchester
12.00am  "Tithes on wool in east Surrey in 1535." Peter Balmer
12.30pm  “Sheep & Wool – a practical guide.” David Graham

12.45pm  Lunch break – tea and coffee available

Body Snatchers


The streets of Victorian Britain were crowded by poor and desperate people. Some broke the law just to survive, other became victims – even though over 200 crimes carried the death penalty. You could be hanged for anything from murder to pickpocketing and being out at night with a blackened face. Despite these harsh penalties, the criminal elements of society were still determined to make their living by ill-gotten gains.


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