Iron Age

Bocketts Farm, Fetcham

Metal detector survey under the direction of D Williams of SCC and A and D Graham of SyAS recovered metal objects of Roman, medieval and later date, and a single pottery sherd of possible Iron Age date. The survey shed no light on the interpretation of a circular enclosure identified on aerial photographs of the site. (Bulletin 369)

Manor Park, Guildford

Excavation by J Pine of TVAS on the site of the proposed University of Surrey expansion area. Three possible buildings, a four-post structure, isolated postholes, pits and gullies were recorded in one distinct area, together with isolated postholes, ditches and a gully. The majority of these features contained pottery, which was similar in type to that found during the 2002 evaluation, being of Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age date.

Farnham Quarry, Farnham

Controlled stripping by P Jones of SCAU during quarry operations on areas D and E. A number of geological features were exposed, although no definite archaeological evidence was seen beyond the presence of a post-medieval drain. A sherd of Bronze Age pottery recovered from a tree-throw hollow, two sherds of probable Late Iron Age–Early Roman pottery from the surface of one of the geological features, and a single long-blade flint of Upper Palaeolithic type were the only artefacts recovered.

A3–Hindhead bypass

Large-scale evaluation programme by A Manning of WA. Varied results were recorded, ranging from largely negative areas where no finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed, through to evidence for Neolithic activity, Bronze Age and Iron Age settlement, and post-medieval agricultural land management. Subsequent excavation revealed a significant number of pits, postholes and gullies of Late Bronze Age–Early Iron Age date.

Runfold Farm, Runfold

Excavation by G Hayman of SCAU of the remainder of the Stage 2 quarry site, previously evaluated in 2003. Various ditches were revealed, up to three of which appeared to be Late Iron Age in origin, and may relate to a ‘Celtic’ field system recorded elsewhere on the site during previous archaeological investigations. An amorphous feature of indeterminate purpose, and possibly not entirely the result of human activity, was also found to contain a relatively sizeable quantity of Neolithic and Bronze Age flints.

Runfold Farm

Evaluation by J Robertson and G Hayman of SCAU of the remainder of the stage 2 mineral extraction site. A small number of features were revealed that might have been related to evidence for field systems found nearby previously, and possibly tree clearance. However a lack of dating evidence precluded firm identification.

Hascombe hillfort

Earthwork survey and magnetometry survey by R Hooker and J English of SyAS. The earthwork survey recorded the current condition of the monument, as well as cataloguing later landscape features, part of the remains of Hascombe medieval deer park pale, and evidence for recent damage to the site through falling trees. A number of slight linear features were discernible from the magnetometry survey, but little other convincing evidence of human occupation within the interior of the fort was discovered.

Runfold Quarry, Farnham

Excavation and watching brief by R Lambert of SCAU during mineral extraction works. The initial watching brief during site-stripping revealed more extensive activity than expected, including field boundaries, enclosure ditches, roundhouse ring gullies, and numerous pits, postholes and waterholes, apparently belonging to the later Iron Age and early Roman periods. The main phase of excavation divided the site into three areas -- B, C and X. Area B showed Late Iron Age--early Roman period settlement activity in the form of ditches, pits, postholes, and waterholes.

A3 Hindhead bypass

Large-scale evaluation programme by A Manning of WA. Varied results were recorded, ranging from largely negative areas where no finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed, through to evidence for Neolithic activity, Bronze Age and Iron Age settlement, and post-medieval agricultural land management. Subsequent excavation revealed a significant number of pits, postholes and gullies of Late Bronze Age–Early Iron Age date.


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