Mole Valley

Various locations, Great Bookham and Little Bookham

Test pitting by C Hayward of SyAS. Nineteen test pits were excavated in a central band of the parish with two located in Little Bookham. Evidence of early medieval activity was recorded in Church Street with finds of medieval pottery clustered around the church. Sherds of Roman pottery were found in two areas to the east and north-east of the church and Bronze Age pottery and struck flint were recorded from a Little Bookham pit.

Preston Cross hotel, Rectory Lane, Little Bookham

Programme of photographic historic building recording by H Green of ASE. The hotel is situated on land that was occupied by a building from 1842. The present building retains elements of this structure, which has been substantially altered. The extensive alterations include the addition of a mock Tudor frontage to the east between 1914 and 1934 and the construction of a large function suite with guest rooms above to the west in the later 20th century. The two outbuildings built between 1842 and 1869 have been converted for domestic use.

Cocks Farm villa, Abinger

Excavations by D Bird for the Roman Studies Group of SyAS. More evidence for structural phasing was encountered providing evidence for the plan of the late (northern) wing and confirming the southern corridor. At the western end of the wing, it was found that the north-west corner of the later building bonded into an earlier structure that was at a slightly different alignment and probably part of an earlier building.


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