Mole Valley

Land at rear of 72-82 South Street, Dorking

Evaluation by T Munnery of SCAU revealed that parts of the site had been subject to modern disturbance and possible medieval terracing and reduction, but all of the four trenches yielded finds of archaeological interest and two of the trenches revealed archaeological features of Mesolithic, medieval and post-medieval date. The Mesolithic feature, a pit, and a nearby spread of flintwork of similar date, may represent a small residue of on site Mesolithic hunter-gatherer activity, possibly associated with a hearth.

Lowerhouse Farm, Lower Breache Road, Ewhurst

A programme of historic building recording, evaluation, and a watching brief during the reduction of floor levels within the farmhouse, at Lowerhouse Farm by L Capon of AOC. The farmhouse is dated by a render plaque to 1525, but shows many phases of repair and extension. The earliest parts of the farmhouse are fully timber-framed, and reveal the building to have started as a Hall House, the hall lying north of a two-storey, four room block.


Excavation by Rosamond Hanworth for SyAS and DOE located the course of Stane Street as a terrace cut into the chalk, possibly by the use of a plough (check SyAC 94).


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