Mole Valley
Broadwood’s Tower, Box Hill, Mickleham
Excavation by P Harp and S Hill of Plateau of the interior of the tower ahead of National Trust work to the Grade II Listed folly. A fill, to a depth of c 0.9m above external ground level, was revealed. The lower 0.3m of the fill produced quantities of unknapped flint, a few fragments of Horsham stone and two unfrogged, yellow bricks. The flints and stone probably originate from the structure, although no mortar was observed adhering to them.
42 Upper Fairfield Road, Leatherhead
Photographic survey by P Barker-Mills of Mole Valley District Council recorded external architectural details of the late Victorian property that latterly housed the Leatherhead District Social Club. A post-medieval well was revealed within the footprint of the demolished building, constructed from unfrogged bricks and lime mortar. No other finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed.
Cherkley Court, Reigate Road, Leatherhead
Glasshouse Cottages and Spa, Cherkley Court, Reigate Road, Leatherhead
Box Hill School, Mickleham
Devonshire House, 66 Church Street, Leatherhead
14–22 Church Street, Leatherhead
Meadowbank Football Ground, Mill Lane, Dorking