
Ockham & Wisley Commons

Historic landscape survey by C Currie, for SCC’s Planning Dept, as part of the process for considering designation as an Area of Historic Landscape Value. The most frequent earthwork features on the commons are the large number of substantial parallel ridges, some up to 3m high and extending for over 100m. Most of the identified groupings surround former quarries, lending support to the theory that these features are related to mineral extraction. The remains of conventional quarrying are also highly visible, both as quarry pits and spoil mounds.

Surbiton Water Treatment Works, Long Ditton

Evaluation by S Ford of TVAS, for St James’ Homes, of the only area of this redevelopment site apparently undisturbed. The results confirmed that the area tested had been largely undisturbed, but little of archaeological interest was revealed. One late post-medieval ditch was recorded and a few pieces of pottery were recovered, including a sherd from a late Medieval pitcher and a sherd from a 12th/13th century cooking pot. A rim sherd from a late 2nd to 3rd century Roman pot was also recovered.

Claremont Park, Esher

Survey of the historical landscape of Claremont Park and its environs by C Currie of CKC Archaeology for the National Trust. The survey looked at both the development of the Claremont estate from the early 18th century, and the landscape of the area before this period. The estate is sited on sandy soils on marginal land on the northern edge of Esher Common. Early colonisation of the site would have been likely because of the initial ease of cultivation, but rapid leaching of the soils probably led to its abandonment.

Norwood Farm, Cobham

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU, for Burhill Estates, of land to be developed for a golf course. The results indicated surprisingly little evidence for previous activity in this area, but the water table was found to be high and the soil not well drained. A few features of possible archaeological interest were revealed; these are presumed to be former field boundaries, but no evidence was recovered from which to date them. A resultant watching brief conducted by R Poulton identified four ditches, only one of which was thought to be of ancient origin.

Hevesta, St George’s Hill, Weybridge

Evaluation and watching brief by J Stevenson and G Hayman of SCAU, for A Mosseri, in advance of residential development, revealed no features or finds of archaeological interest although the site lies within the Iron Age hillfort. A palaeoenvironmental investigation by ArchaeoScape Consulting established that the plateau gravels occupying the summit of St. Georges Hill are braided river deposits, typical of Pleistocene terrace sediments in southern England and related to the terrace system of either the Mole or the Wey.

Guide Hut, Grotto Road, Weybridge

A watching brief was maintained by G Hayman and M Dover of SCAU on works for a new store building within the area of Oatlands Palace, for the Girl Guides Association. Within the new foundation trenches the remains of a culvert associated with the infilling of the moat during Henry VIII’s reign was identified. A second feature expected, a wall identified during earlier excavation, was not seen.


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