
The Rodds Site, 10-11 Bridge Street, Walton-on-Thames

Evaluation by N Roycroft of MoLAS in advance of redevelopment revealed a ploughed soil containing occasional sherds of medieval pottery; and two linear features that may have formed a property boundary, and seem to be associated with three cesspits dating to the 17th and 18th centuries. The structures relating to the post-medieval features were not located during the evaluation, probably because they are associated with the street frontages of Church Street and possibly Bridge Street.

Hurst Park East, Graburn Way, East Molesey

Evaluation by J Nowell of WA in advance of residential development revealed only a residual barbed-and-tanged arrowhead of Early Bronze Age date, and a series of 20th century postholes probably associated with the former racecourse. No evidence was found of the neighbouring multi-period occupation site at Hurst Park West excavated by WA in 1994. Evidence of past flooding was recorded through identification of alluvial clays and silts, and as the site lies 1.25m below Hurst Park West, it would have been much more prone to flooding and consequently less attractive for occupation and settlement.

Parkside School, Stoke D’Abernon

Evaluation by M Dover of SCAU in advance of expansion of the school facilities revealed that the site had been extensively landscaped. A sherd of post-medieval pottery was recovered from a layer overlying a single course of possibly Tudor bricks. The subsequent watching brief by N Shaikhley did not find any further evidence relating to the brick feature, but did identify a well. A large part of the well appeared to be lined with chalk blocks, except for the upper courses, which were of red brick.

Whiteley Village, Weybridge

Evaluation by J Stevenson of SCAU, in advance of the constuction of a very sheltered accommodation block, involved the excavation of two trial trenches, one of which revealed a shallow ditch. The ditch produced no datable finds but, as it lay well below the topsoil, it does not appear to be of modern origin.


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