Recent research & fieldwork : Prehistoric Group
Weston Wood, Surrey: prehistoric pottery report 2019
A new report on the prehistoric pottery from rescue excavations carried out between 1961 and 1968, at Weston Wood, Surrey, ahead of sand extraction, has just been published online.
Charlwood Excavation 2019
In November 2019 the final season at this muddy site took place. The intention was only to complete excavating a few features which had been left unfinished in 2018 when the team had to leave the site due to the deeply unpleasant conditions caused by the ‘Beast from the East’. Fortunately November 2019 was rather kinder and in spite of some rainy days there were enough dry ones for the work to take place within few days. In November 2019 the final season at this muddy site took place.
Charlwood Excavation 2018
In March 2018, a trench was opened to investigate a pit and ditch formation found in 2017 to the east of the known site. However, due to the weather and soil conditions it was not possible to undertake much work safely for either the archaeology or the volunteers (who were remarkably determined in spite of the challenging conditions). We now hope to return to deal with unfinished business in the autumn.
An analytic survey of Dry Hill Camp 2011-2013
Dry Hill Camp is a large enclosure of probable Iron Age date looking across the Eden/Medway Valley to the northern part of the Low Weald and North Downs. It is multi-vallate and lies just within Surrey, close to both Kent and Mid-Sussex. An excavation in 1932 recovered few finds and the site remained enigmatic. From 2011-2013 a level 3 tape and compass survey to check the condition of the earthworks was undertaken and a report is now available in the pdf attached below.
Felday Camp Survey 2012
Analytic survey of prehistoric barrows on Reigate Heath 2011
Mounds on Reigate Heath scheduled as prehistoric burial mounds, and one other potential barrow, have been subjected to analytical survey and their landscape context examined.
The attached pdf is the full report of this work of which a paper is published in the Surrey Archaeological Society Collections.
Reigate Heath Survey 2009-10
Hascombe Hillfort Survey 2008-09
2008-2009 Hascombe Hillfort Survey
An analytical survey of Hascombe Hillfort (TQ 005 386) was carried out by members of the Surrey Archaeological Society over the winter of 2008-09, and a magnetometry survey of part of the interior took place in the spring of 2009. A full report of these activities (of which this is a summary) has been lodged in the Surrey Archaeological Society library.