North Park Farm Quarry, western extension, Bletchingley

Watching brief by J Condliffe of WA. To the east of Whitehill Lane, a series of eleven postholes on an east–west alignment associated with a large quantity of ceramic building material was identified. This north-west corner of the field is shown on OS maps up to 1897 as being a brick quarry and the posthole alignment probably indicates the line of the boundary fence that surrounded it. To the west of Whitehill Lane, a pit cut by a large posthole was revealed. Each feature contained two sherds of highly abraded Iron Age pottery. Stripping along the route of the conveyor belt revealed a long ditch or managed water channel measuring 78m and aligned west-north-west/east-south-east. Two, probably contemporary, parallel ditches intersected the linear ditch at right angles. Small quantities of worked and struck flint and a single sherd of Romano-British pottery were recovered. A further ditch located to the south-east and on the higher ground was of uncertain date although struck flint was recovered from its fills. To the west of the conveyor belt was revealed a single east–west aligned ditch and several pits and postholes dating to the Romano-British period, although there were no apparent structural features. The quantity of pottery retrieved from some of the features suggested they are close to more significant archaeological remains. Topsoil and subsoil removal to create bunds revealed orange/yellow, silty, alluvial clay and windblown sand overlying alluvial deposits and sealing archaeological remains. In the south-west area were revealed the natural white sands cut by a segmented ditch that enclosed a large number of pits and postholes. These contained Mesolithic–Neolithic worked flint and Late Bronze Age–Early Iron Age pottery. The majority of flint artefacts were waste flakes, with the distinct lack of cores indicating that the focal point of flint working had not been exposed. Within the cluster of pits, two near-complete Bronze Age pots were recovered. To the east, a palaeochannel was identified and an area of windblown sand on higher ground to its east. A large, north-west/south-east aligned boundary ditch that cut this deposit contained Neolithic flint and Bronze Age and Iron Age pottery. Several complete, upright pots and others, possibly deliberately smashed, were recovered from a series of pits; the pottery has yet to be fully assessed. It was noted that the archaeological remains were present as a series of several archaeological horizons within colluvial deposits.