Capel to Horsham

Magnetic susceptibility, detailed magnetometry, and resistivity survey by D Sabin of Stratascan and a programme of fieldwalking by N Hall of ASE along sections of the proposed route of the A24 between Capel and Horsham. Within the Surrey section of the route, a number of anomalies and flint scatters were located. A watching brief carried out by K Sayer of PCA during the excavation of geotechnical trial pits along the proposed route revealed three possible features, one of which contained a fragment of burnt flint and a sherd of medieval pottery. Struck flint was also recovered from the topsoil of one of the trial pits. The archaeological work supplements the relatively poor corpus of archaeological data known along the route, especially with regard to possible prehistoric activity foci, and further testing of the proposed route is planned.
NGR range: 
177 163, 396 338