Bridge Wharf, Chertsey

Evaluation by C Cowan of MoLAS, following a previous borehole survey that had concluded that much of the site was relatively untruncated, and that a good geoarchaeological sequence appeared across the site. The evaluation showed that a promontory of high gravel existed in the northern part of the site, with a surface dipping down to the south. Features containing four pottery sherds dated to the late Bronze Age or the early Iron Age were recorded in one trench beneath the alluvium. These testify to the dryland nature of the riverside in the past, but also indicate an early phase of landscape erosion along the gravel promontory adjoining the Thames channel. No evidence of the Medieval bridge was found, although pottery dated c1230-1400 was recovered from the topsoil/subsoil interface in some of the trenches. Shallow pits, post holes, and a ditch in the north-west part of the site, were dated to the 17th century, and overlain by garden soils which developed in the 18th and 19th centuries. The only evidence for Post-Medieval structures was part of a 19th century brick wall footing, a robbed Victorian river wall, and a boat slipway with railway lines.
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