Museum of London Archaeology

Sandra and Radnor Houses, Hansler Grove, East Molesey

Evaluation by S Porter of MOLA recorded a rough deposit of chalk considered to represent the foundation of a structure with an associated cobblestone surface. The orientation and location of the possible structure was similar to that of a large building marked on Joseph Hodgkinson’s 1781 map of the manors of Molesey Matham and Molesey Prior. To the south, several shallow, linear bedding trenches were recorded. No dating evidence was recovered from any of the features.

West Hall, Parvis Road, West Byfleet

Evaluation and watching brief by I Howell and historic building survey by H Robertson of MOLA. The evaluation revealed the northern and southern edges of a water feature shown on maps of 1768, 1801 and 1841, and several red brick footings that appear to have belonged to two phases of greenhouse construction. Groundworks within the area of the water feature were subject to the watching brief, but the majority of these were not deep enough to expose the cut of the feature, and it was not possible to ascertain its function.

Franklands Drive, Addlestone

Soil stripping, mapping and sampling by I Howell of MOLA, continuing work that commenced in 2010. Two additional Roman-period urned cremation burials were revealed, as well as a probable Middle Bronze Age vessel, and a shallow gully of indeterminate date. Further areas investigated as part of the phase II investigations showed a lack of prehistoric or Roman activity, although some limited post-medieval evidence in the form of shallow gullies and pits was observed.

Mogador to Burgh Heath pipeline

Test pit monitoring and watching brief by I Howell and G Rapson of MOLA. The test pits revealed only limited details regarding underlying deposits, together with a small number of Palaeolithic flints – examples of which have been encountered in the area previously. Subsequent monitoring of the main excavation works revealed a moderate amount of additional worked flints, the majority of which were assessed as undiagnostic, although some Palaeolithic and Mesolithic material was present. A number of truncated burnt features were also encountered.

Wootton, Esher Park Avenue, Esher

Programme of investigation comprising evaluation, excavation and a watching brief by D Saxby of MOLA. Evaluation revealed evidence of Iron Age and Saxon activity in three areas of the site, with the subsequent excavation targeting these areas. Within the middle of the site a 0.4m-thick layer of sand was revealed that produced 1544 Early Mesolithic flints including microlithic flint points, microburins and at least four core adze fragments and a scraper (c 9600–7600 cal BC).


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