Bletchingley Castle

Report provided details of previous excavations by D J Turner. Parts of the defences were sectioned and the principal masonry building within the inner ward was examined. The original defences were a D-shaped ringwork approximately 80 x 55m within a kidney shaped outer ward or bailey. The massive ditch and bank around the inner ward were sectioned. Work on the masonry building showed that it measured-23.27 x 24.64m with square stair turrets at NW and SE corners. Internal features included possible supports for first floor hearths. Other masses of masonry represent secondary features, possibly needed as supports for a deteriorating structure. In various places there were signs of severe burning, which may mark the end of the building. None of the pottery found need be later than the 3rd quarter of the 13th century, while rubbish deposited soon after the construction of the building included a coin of William Rufus (1088-1100). (214-6)