72-74 High Street, Staines

Excavation by J McKinley of Wessex, for MEPC UK Ltd, in advance of redevelopment. At the front of the site a few features of Late Iron Age date were revealed, sealed below a ploughsoil. Above this soil a series of floor levels associated with hearths, pits and post holes was identified, all of early Romano-British date. Further back from the street frontage, a quantity of intercutting pits of early Romano-British date were revealed, which contained a quantity of domestic rubbish. At the rear of the excavation area further contemporaneous pits were revealed; their fills suggest they were originally cesspits. On the southern edge of the excavation a linear feature running approximately parallel to the High Street was revealed, also of early Roman date, which has been tentatively identified as a roadside ditch. Little evidence for medieval occupation survived, presumably because of later truncation, but a small group of pits was recorded in the central section of the site. Post-medieval and modern activity had caused extensive disturbance through the construction of a number of basements and foundations. The earliest cellar had a Bartmann jug sealed into its foundation trench, suggesting a construction date of between 1650 and 1750 AD.