16 Bell Street, Reigate

Further excavation was carried out by D W Williams for HAG in advance of proposed redevelopment. Just above the natural sand were found a barrel padlock and many sherds of coarse sandy ware cooking pots, associated with carbonised seeds and fish bones. A 12th century date for this pottery and a pit group from the earlier, published, excavation was supported by the discovery nearby of a 12th century French billon denier minted in Angoulême. Above this layer was located another 5m of the medieval building previously discovered, with another stone hearth, and the previously suggested 16th century demolition date was confirmed. The site was probably a garden in the 16th and 17th centuries, then a yard and associated remains of a 17th century building fronting Bell Street, and garden again after the latter was demolished in the late 18th century. The 16th/17th century layer produced a glass bottle seal with NRM surrounding bell, almost certainly Robert and Mary Nicholson, who were tenants of the Bell Inn (then next door at 14) in 1663. (186)