
Walking tour of Roman Chichester - NOTE CHANGE OF DATE


David Rudling has kindly offered to take us on a walking tour around Roman Chichester. This will include the city wall, Novium Museum and bath house, the mosaic in the cathedral and the ampitheatre. A lunchtime venue will be arranged.

The cost of the tour is £5.

If you are interested in joining us please e-mail

Excavations at Cocks Farm Abinger 2023


The latest season of excavations in the field adjacent to Cocks Farm Roman villa will take place 17th June - 23rd July 2023. The plan is to further explore magnetometry features in the field adjacent to the Roman villa, adding to our knowledge of human activity on the hill from prehistory onwards.

Dates are as follows: 17-20th, 22-26th June, 29th June - 3rd July, 6-8th, 13 - 17, 20-23rd July.  

If you are interested in taking part please contact us via

Agriculture, Industry and Trade in the Roman South East


CBA South East and Kent Archaeological Society have arranged an 'in person' conference on Agriculture, Industry and Trade in the Roman South East. Student bursaries may be available from the organisers.

The programme and booking details are below and attached as a pdf:

Online booking:


Zoom talk on 2022 excavations at Cocks Farm Abinger by Emma Corke


Emma Corke, director of excavations at Cocks Farm Abinger, will update us on progress made during the 2022 summer excavation in the field adjacent to the villa. Whilst the villa was first identified in 1877 and further excavations by SyAS took place 1995-7 the most recent series of excavation commenced in 2009. Use of magnetometry has enabled the targeting of features which reflect the agricultural land usage relating to both the villa and earlier settlement.

Zoom talk on Roman coins used in Britain by Dr. David Rudling


Our final speaker for the 2022-23 winter series is David Rudling who will be talking about Roman coins and their use in Britain. David is Academic Director of the Sussex School of Archaeology and former Director of the University College London Field Unit. He specialises in Roman archaeology and is particularly known for his excavations of several major Roman villa sites in the South-East of England.


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