

Glover’s Wood, Edolphs Copse, and Ricketts Wood, Charlwood

Archaeological assessment by N Bannister for the Woodlands Trust. Areas of both Glover’s Wood and Edolphs Copse were in use as fields at some time during the medieval and post-medieval periods before they were abandoned and the land reoccupied by trees. Wood banks and field boundaries were the predominant archaeological features revealed. While those in Glover’s Wood are visible, the department divisions in Edolphs Copse have been obscured by shallow stone quarrying. Ricketts Wood is a remnant of ancient woodland, and little of archaeological interest was recorded.

Bocketts Farm, Fetcham

Metal detector survey under the direction of D Williams of SCC recovered only three objects pre-dating the 17th century. These were a buckle plate of medieval or Tudor date, a brooch dating to the 1st century AD, and an Early Iron Age, c 600–450BC, bow brooch.

Capel to Horsham

Magnetic susceptibility, detailed magnetometry, and resistivity survey by D Sabin of Stratascan and a programme of fieldwalking by N Hall of ASE along sections of the proposed route of the A24 between Capel and Horsham. Within the Surrey section of the route, a number of anomalies and flint scatters were located. A watching brief carried out by K Sayer of PCA during the excavation of geotechnical trial pits along the proposed route revealed three possible features, one of which contained a fragment of burnt flint and a sherd of medieval pottery.

Rio House and Rio Cottage, Ripley

Evaluation and watching brief by N Shaikhley and J Robertson of SCAU revealed a large number of features, the majority of which appeared to be inhumations of medieval date, although dating evidence was scarce. The inhumations were probably originally within the boundary of the adjacent churchyard, which map evidence suggests may have contracted to its present size in the mid–late 18th century.

Home Farm, Albury

Fieldwalking by J English of SyAS in a field attached to the farm recovered 72 struck flints of possible Bronze Age date, three sherds of 13th century-type pottery and a thin scatter of post-medieval pottery and tile fragments. (376)

The Chestnuts, Castle Hill, Guildford

Watching brief by R Poulton of SCAU during the construction of a new garage and additional external alterations. The deep and narrow garage foundations did not allow for detailed observations, but 19th century brick and pottery was evident. During excavations for repair to a boundary wall, a small section of chalk rubble and mortar walling was revealed. The limited area of exposure meant it was not possible to establish with confidence the orientation of the feature, although previous work in the area suggests it may be a structure related to the kitchens of the former palace.

Manor Park, Guildford

Evaluation and watching brief by J Pine of TVAS on further areas of the proposed University of Surrey expansion site, following the previous evaluation and excavation works in 2002 and 2003. The evaluation produced evidence for Early to Middle Bronze Age activity, in the form of isolated pits. Medieval activity was also noted, in the form of pits, ditches and a possible hearth. Given their proximity to the nearby moated site of Manor Farm, it is assumed that they are associated with activity relating to this site, although the dating evidence was not clear.


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