

Land at Epsom Road, Merrow

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU prior to the construction of a park and ride facility. A series of pits was revealed, including two very large intercutting pit complexes. A prehistoric date for the features was suspected, as both Bronze Age and Iron Age pottery were present, although intrusive Roman and medieval/post-medieval pottery and tile was also recovered. Further work is planned.

Manor Park, Guildford

Watching brief by A Weale of TVAS during works on the construction of new sports pitches for the University of Surrey. A small number of postholes and pits containing pottery of a Middle–Late Bronze Age date were revealed, together with environmental evidence and charcoal fragments, which radiocarbon dating indicated was deposited around 1416–1292 BC. A medieval ditch was also recorded, running through the centre of the site. See TVAS monograph 11

Cobham Park, Cobham

Survey of earthworks by J English indicates the presence of boundaries of at least two phases of field systems and a series of gravel quarries preserved by emparkment during the 18th and 19th centuries. An excavation across the putative line of a road pre-dating the emparkment had previously proved inconclusive, but a test pit located in the area of a post-medieval dwelling that formerly stood adjoining the site indicated activity dating from the late 14th or early 15th centuries to the early 19th century. (412)

North Park Farm Quarry, Bletchingley

Archaeological work under the guidance of P Jones of SCAU and by N Branch of ArchS focused upon a dry valley (the hollow, as it was formerly described) visited repeatedly by Mesolithic communities that had been identified during previous evaluation at the quarry. The archaeological work consisted of geophysical survey, environmental sampling and excavation and was undertaken by professional, volunteer and student archaeologists.


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