

Land at St Mary's Church, Church Lane, Headley

Evaluation by N Randall of SCAU on the site of a proposed extension to the existing graveyard revealed two postholes, one of prehistoric origin, and three pits, two of Neolithic or earlier date. The dateable posthole contained two sherds of pottery, one of Bronze Age or earlier date, and the other of Iron Age date. Three small fragments of burnt clay, two of which bear the imprint of walling wattles, were also recovered and may suggest the presence of a former structure.

(Centred) Walton Bridge, Walton-on-Thames

Evaluation by A Hood and D King of FA in advance of the construction of the replacement bridge across the Thames and creation of an associated site compound and flood compensation area to the south-west. The evaluation did not reveal any features of archaeological interest in the area around the bridge, but a 'toothed' wooden artefact was recovered from the interface of the natural gravels and overlying deposits in one of the trenches, and further work is proposed within the area of its discovery.

Hawthorns School, Pendell Court, Bletchingley

Evaluation by N Randall of SCAU revealed a large tree throw hole containing Mesolithic flint, a substantial prehistoric ditch, Bronze Age and Iron Age gullies, a large medieval pit and a post-medieval stone capped culvert. The evaluation illustrated that archaeological deposits lie at a depth that will not be impacted on by the majority of groundworks involved in the development proposal, and they will be preserved in situ underneath it. Those parts of the site where the development had the potential to impact on deposits were subject to a watching brief by N Randall.

Fields to the north, east and south-east of Mercer’s Farm, Nutfield

Programme of fieldwalking by S Ford of TVAS recovered a dense cluster of struck flint located on the terrace edge of a small stream valley. The cluster comprises a strong Mesolithic component, although later Neolithic/Bronze Age material is well represented. Flint in more modest quantities and pottery sherds of several periods were also recovered dispersed elsewhere across the areas fieldwalked.

St. Ann’s Hill, Chertsey

Watching brief by G Potter of CA. No in situ structures or features were noted. However, a number of finds were recovered, including worked, struck and burnt flints, a fragment of Roman brick, pieces of medieval tile and a few later post-medieval metal objects. The groundworks observed were too limited in nature to provide firm conclusions about the contextual significance of this material.

St Michael and All Angels’ Church, Old London Road, Mickleham

Ground radar survey undertaken Cobham Technical Services to inform decisions on where to re-inter the post-medieval human skeletal remains recovered during the investigation carried out in advance of the construction of the new vestry by PCA in 2009. Six areas within the churchyard were targeted, with five of these producing evidence of anomalies suggestive of either burials or a drain. The results of the survey indicated one area, close to the Lych gate, was archaeologically empty.

Land at rear of 72-82 South Street, Dorking

Evaluation by T Munnery of SCAU revealed that parts of the site had been subject to modern disturbance and possible medieval terracing and reduction, but all of the four trenches yielded finds of archaeological interest and two of the trenches revealed archaeological features of Mesolithic, medieval and post-medieval date. The Mesolithic feature, a pit, and a nearby spread of flintwork of similar date, may represent a small residue of on site Mesolithic hunter-gatherer activity, possibly associated with a hearth.

Land at the Pavilion Sports Centre, Hurst Lane, East Molesey

Evaluation by T Munnery of SCAU revealed a number of features which, with the exception of a pit or posthole that could be of Neolithic date, were dateable to the Bronze Age. The features comprised ditches, pits and postholes and were concentrated within the southern corner of the site, and indicates settlement or a focus of activity within this area. Residual finds of Mesolithic to medieval date were also recovered, but none were associated with a contemporary feature or in a concentration.

Sutton Park, Woking

Excavation (1978) by Dr D.G. Bird for SyAS and DOE of a supposed pre-Conquest manor site revealed a possible medieval ditch system and part of a later brick building. Finds of all periods from 13th to 19th century were made. (154; report in SyAC 96)


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