Iron Age

Anstiebury Camp

Clearance after tree loss in 1987 storm observed by D J Field, D W Williams, D G Bird and others. No finds were noted but the conditions were difficult. Geophysical survey was later carried out by S P Dyer for SCC and HBMC and various anomalies were noted. This work was followed by the excavation of three trenches by R J Poulton to provide information on which site management decisions could be based. Two trenches on sloping ground produced nothing of interest; the third, on the top of the hill, revealed IA and RB pottery and features including an IA ditch running approximately east-west.

South Farm, Lightwater

Sixth season of excavation by G H Cole for SHAHT. Two distinct areas were examined. In the first a rectangular well was found and dated to before AD 200; it was severely disturbed by a ditch whose fill was dated cAD 200-250 and by the construction of a cesspit of cAD 1780. The second area produced worked flint dated Mesolithic/Neolithic and a barbed and tanged arrowhead. Late Iron Age pottery was found and part of a late 1st or early 2nd century AD Romanised building indicated by beam slots and said to have sand or gravel floors.

St Ann's Hill, Chertsey

Excavation by P M G Jones for SCAU, Runnymede Borough Council and English Heritage to provide information for management of the monument. Mesolithic worked flints including cores were found. The postulated defences were sectioned and the site was confirmed as a univallate hillfort; a full detailed survey was carried out by RCHM(E). In a small trench in the interior 53 prehistoric features were found, mostly of early to middle Iron Age date, with post-holes indicating three or more building phases.

Thorpe Lea Nurseries

Observation and excavation by G N Hayman for SCAU and RMC (Hall Aggregates) indicated prehistoric occupation on the edge of the first area of topsoil stripping. Subsequent excavation produced evidence of BA occupation and then an Iron Age/RB site apparently occupied throughout both periods, with mid to late Iron Age domestic features, RB ditches, pits and possible farm buildings of Flavian to 4th century date.


Following evaluation two sites were excavated by G N Hayman for SCAU and Trafalgar Brookmount in advance of gravel extraction. A small Iron Age settlement site, represented mostly by large storage pits, was found on the site of the former Hollick Farm. The settlement represented by the farm itself was found to have begun in the early medieval period and continued through to the 19th century. About 750m further south a larger Iron Age site was found with a complex of features from the mid to late Iron Age; they included a large circular ditched enclosure (with a diameter of about 26m).

Anstiebury Hill Camp

Further evaluation of the interior of the scheduled hillfort by G N Hayman for SCAU and English Heritage, to decide whether re-afforestation should be allowed. A number of pits and a ditch were found; the finds largely consisted of late IA pottery, with occasional Roman period sherds. (259; see report in SyAC 94, 191-207)

Bourne Hall Lake

Excavation by J Harte and H Waterhouse for Bourne Hall Museum and NAS [now EEHAS] in the bed of the lake which had become dry. Preliminary examination in 1990 produced 38 1st to 3rd century Roman coins from one sector. A trench indicated that dredging had removed most material above the natural Thanet Sand. Gravel-filled pockets in the sand were however found to contain animal bones and IA, RB or Saxon pottery. Various walls, mostly presumably earlier retaining walls for the lake bank, were also noted. (265). It may be suggested that the Roman coins were offerings at the original spring.

Tongham Road, Runfold

Excavation following on from evaluation in 1991, in advance of the Runfold diversion, part of the Blackwater Valley Route, by Graham Hayman of SCAU for SCC. A number of prehistoric pits, some possibly used in association with food preparation, were recorded. A provisional examination of the associated pottery has identified sherds of Bronze Age and Iron Age date. A number of Roman features included pits and ditches, one of which was possibly part of an enclosure. Associated pottery appeared to include early and late Roman material. (272

42 London Road, Bagshot

Two seasons of excavation were directed by G H Cole for SHAHT. There was evidence for earlier prehistoric occupation (worked flints) and late Iron Age occupation and possibly related iron working (pottery and slag). Parts of possible buildings of the 2nd/3rd centuries were identified and there was late RB material including part of a jet finger ring with a monogrammed cross. No evidence was found for medieval occupation but the site had evidence for a post-medieval tanning industry known from documents to date c l596-1851.


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