Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Hengrove Farm, Staines

Continuing excavation by G Hayman of SCAU revealed further features of Bronze Age, Iron Age and Roman date, as well as some of early medieval origin. Most features dated to the Bronze Age, and included ditches, waterholes, and numerous small pits and postholes. An area of concentration of pits and postholes is likely to have once been a Middle Bronze Age settlement, although no dwellings were recognised, and only one four-posted structure was identified.

Wey Manor Farm, Addlestone

Evaluation by J Robertson and excavation by P Jones of SCAU on the phase 7 and 8 area of this ongoing minerals extraction site. The evaluation produced evidence of a field system of predominantly post-medieval date, as well as a number of ditches of uncertain and probably various dates. Three areas revealed features that contained material indicative of prehistoric and Saxon dates. Further excavation of the phase 7 area uncovered further non-structural Saxon features, as well as a discrete area containing a scatter of struck flints.

The Close, Abbey Gardens, Chertsey

Evaluation by R Poulton of SCAU prior to the construction of an extension to a property standing within the Scheduled area of the former Chertsey Abbey. A number of archaeological layers were revealed, the earliest of which appeared to date from around the time of the Norman reconstruction of the abbey which began in 1110, possibly during clearance of the site prior to construction works.

Guildford Castle, Guildford

Evaluation and excavation by R Poulton of SCAU prior to the installation of a new floor and external staircase to the castle keep. Material examined from within the keep suggested that a fairly substantial 19th century deposit extended to at least 0.5m below the current ground surface. This material was not excavated to its full depth. A trench in the area of the proposed staircase produced similar results to the investigations in 2001, where it was found that possible medieval deposits relating to the construction of the castle exist very close to the current ground surface.

Land at Painsfield allotments, Eastworth Road, Chertsey

Evaluation and excavation by J Robertson of SCAU, prior to residential development. The evaluation revealed five pits at the centre of the site, containing pottery of largely a Middle Bronze Age date, while towards the south of the site a further pit was dated to the Iron Age. Residual Neolithic pottery was also recovered, suggesting that the area had been a focus for prehistoric activity for a considerable period. Further excavation at the centre of the site revealed additional Middle Bronze Age pits, ditches and a waterhole, but no indication of structures.

Rosehill, Reigate

Excavation by P Jones of SCAU prior to residential development. The substructure of a substantial Roman tile kiln and associated features were discovered in an area where evidence of tile production had been found previously, but no standing kiln had previously been recorded archaeologically. The surviving remains were of a rectangular updraught structure, including stokehole, fire tunnel, combustion chamber and drainage system.

4–5 Avenue Road, Banstead

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU prior to a residential redevelopment of the site. No features of archaeological interest were revealed, although some Bronze Age flints were recovered from the topsoil, which also contained a dump of demolition debris probably relating to a nearby building of medieval/post-medieval date.


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