Surrey County Archaeological Unit

North Park Farm Quarry, Bletchingley

Archaeological work under the guidance of P Jones of SCAU and by N Branch of ArchS focused upon a dry valley (the hollow, as it was formerly described) visited repeatedly by Mesolithic communities that had been identified during previous evaluation at the quarry. The archaeological work consisted of geophysical survey, environmental sampling and excavation and was undertaken by professional, volunteer and student archaeologists.

Hengrove Farm, Staines

Continuing excavation by G Hayman of SCAU in advance of mineral extraction. Two areas were excavated in 2005. The northern of the two areas lay immediately north of the area examined in 2004 that included a large number of ditches, waterholes and numerous small pits and postholes, producing substantial quantities of pottery and struck flint, of Middle Bronze Age date. This concentration of evidence did not extend far into the 2005 area. The features were almost exclusively of Bronze Age date.

TASIS, Thorpe

Evaluation and building recording by R Poulton of SCAU on the site of a new medical centre at The Coach House. No finds or features of archaeological interest were noted during the evaluation. A photographic survey of areas of the standing building to be modified during the redevelopment works was also conducted.

St Ann’s Heath School, Virginia Water

Evaluation by R Lambert of SCAU revealed a number of features dating to the Bronze Age/Early Iron Age and suggestive of a field system, with evidence for a sustained period of occupation. Alluvial hillwash deposits revealed may have the potential to inform and reconstruct the prehistoric environment, while a ditch dating to the Early Roman period could suggest continued occupation on the site throughout the Iron Age. Several post-medieval features were also revealed.

Mere Park, Nutfield

Watching brief by R Lambert of SCAU during the installation of a pipeline. Much of the area of impact was found to be previously disturbed ground. One area did demonstrate an intact stratigraphic soil profile, and a small number of Neolithic/Bronze Age flints were encountered residually in the subsoil. However, no features were observed.


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